7 Days of Spiritual Preparation: We are to confess our sins to God.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Forgive all we perceive
have offended us and ask forgiveness from those we may have offended
(Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3-4).
Surrender our lives fully to Jesus Christ and reject the worldly desires
that try to hinder us (Romans 12:1-2).
In our prayers, confess intentional sins, but also unintentional ones as
well. In other words, the sins of omission and the sins of commission.
These may include worldly-mindedness, self-centeredness, spiritual
indifference, and unwillingness to share our faith in Christ with others,
not spending sufficient time in God’s Word and prayer, poor relationship
with our spouse, our intended, our children, our friends, our pastor, or
other members of our church and community.
Our Authority
Authority Through Submission
THOUGHTS & REFLECTION: In the Kingdom of God, one of the
strongest strategies we have in this Spiritual battle is the strategy of
submission. In James 4:7, the Bible tells us that submission to God in
combination with resisting the devil is how we send the enemy running.
Submitting in this verse simply means to obey and align ourselves with
Holy Spirit shows me the areas in my life that are not currently
submitted to the Father! Father even now in the name of Jesus I submit
myself to you again and afresh. I submit my mind, my body, and my
spirit. I submit my purpose, my resources, and all that is a part of who I
am. I receive and leverage my authority in this fight through the strategy
of submission! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Authority Through The Greater One in us:
1 John 4:4 tells us that greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the
world. Beloved your authority in this battle has absolutely everything to
do with the “he” that is in you! We have authority in this fight because
the greater one lives in us! You fight from a poster of victory because
no matter the attack, weapon, or device of the enemy; you have a
greater weapon, a greater force on the inside of you!
PRAYER: Father, today I thank you for the authority you have released
to me just by residing in me! Thank you for being the greater one!
Thank you for the authority to fight from the overcomer’s side of the
fight! Thank you that no matter what I face you are the greater than
element that causes me to win and triumph! Father never leave me,
always abide in me keep being the greater one in me as I face the
enemy with boldness and authority! In Jesus’ name,
Because of the King of glory inside of you, you live in a state of “greater
than”! All glory, all authority resides in the greater one and the greater
one resides in us! PRAYER Father, today I thank you for the authority
you have released to me just by residing in me! Thank you for being the
greater one! Thank you for the authority to fight from the overcomer’s
side of the fight! Thank you that no matter what I face you are the
greater than element that causes me to win and triumph! Father never
leave me, always abide in me keep being the greater one in me as I face
the enemy with boldness and authority
Authority Through His Power Working Within Us:
Ephesians 3:20 says; “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding
abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that
worketh in us”. What stands out most here is the “power that works in
us”. Here again, we see that there is power and authority to fight and
stand against the enemy in every battle of Spiritual Warfare we
encounter. No matter what you are facing beloved, you have authority
and power alive and in action inside of you that provokes an exceeding
and abundant response from heaven. This element amplifies our
prayers in this battle and activates a promise from God to go beyond
what we ask and think.
Father, thank you for the authority you have given me based on the
power working on the inside of me! Thank you for doing exceeding and
abundantly above what I ask and think! Holy Spirit show me what to ask
and give me the mind of Christ so I can think in alignment with
Heaven’s agenda as we engage in this and every battles.
Our Weapon
The Word of God
2 Corinthians 10:4 tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. One
of those weapons we have been equipped with is the Sword of the
Spirit which is the word of God as found in Ephesians 6:17. The only
primarily offensive piece of the armor we reviewed last week is the
Sword of the Spirit. This is the word of God. The word of God is forever
settled. Throughout the bible, the word of God is parallel with being a
sword. A sword when used skillfully can cause major damage to the
enemy. Declaring the word of God is the swinging of the sword.
Studying the word of God is the sharpening of the sword. The swinging
and the sharpening are the two postures of the sword in warfare. Use
your sword and use it often in this battle.
Father, thank you for your word that will never fail or fade. Holy Spirit,
teach me how to skillfully use the word in every battle. Teach me how
to sharpen the sword and to never become dull. I release your word for
my life over every situation I am facing. It is by your word that I
overcome and I am victorious in this war. Put your word down in my
heart and keep your word on my lips.
The Weapon of Prayer
Another mighty weapon used to pull down the enemy’s strongholds is
the weapon of prayer. Consistent prayer is one of the greatest weapons
we have been equipped with. This is why we should pray often and
with all types of prayer. Prayer is an offensive and defensive weapon in
this war.
Father, thank you for the weapon of prayer. Holy Spirit empower me
and grace me to pray without ceasing. Help me to pray always and faint
not. Teach me to pray heaven’s agenda always and my agenda never.
Help me to pray that the Kingdom of God would come and that His will
would be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And when I pray, help me to
pray In the power of the blood. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The Weapon of Worship:
Whether at the wall of Jericho or with Paul and Silas in prison at
midnight, worship has proven to be a tried, true, and incredibly
effective weapon in Spiritual Warfare. When we worship, the territory
of Heaven is extended into the place where worship is being released.
It shifts our perspective off the battle and on to God. To be brief when
we release worship, wherever we release worship that space becomes
a place where our King can and will dwell. When the King is present the
enemy flees. Worship causes us to elevate to a place where the enemy
can not chase us. The next time you feel the enemy closing in on you
worship and give adoration to God. Take a few moments right now to
worship God in the beauty of who He is!

Father, I worship you right now! I give you glory and honor! I exalt you!
I make you bigger than any battle I’m in. I see you bigger Father than
any enemy I face. You are glorified! You are magnified! You are my
focus, you are the apple of my eye! You are my passion and my hope! I
lift my voice to you in worship. Shift the space I’m in and fill it with a
sound of worship. Shift my mind and fill it with thoughts of worship!

The Weapon of The Name of Jesus


The name of Jesus is another critical weapon. Philippians 2:9 tells us
that God has given Jesus a name above every name. When we war in
the name of Jesus and with the name of Jesus; we war with the power
and authority of Jesus in this real. The name of Jesus has superseding
power in heaven, on earth, and under the earth! The “old” saints used
to say when you don’t know what to do just call on the name of Jesus
and watch everything change. Never forget that the name of Jesus is
forever a weapon, a prevailing weapon in this warfare we are waging.


Father, Thank you for the name of Jesus! Thank you that there is still
overwhelming power in His name. Thank you, Lord, that you have
placed his name above every other name in this realm. That at the
name of Jesus, demons flee and knees bow. That at the name of Jesus
situations shift. That at the name of Jesus doors open and traps are
closed. That at the name of Jesus strongholds are shattered and bonds
are loosed. Thank you for giving us the authorization to use your son’s
name. So now we release the name of Jesus throughout our lives. We
release the name and power of Jesus in our minds, bodies, and souls.
