Our Fasting begins
Monday May 13- 18th From 6:00 am to 6:00 pm
Hebrew 12: 1
Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
We are fasting from:
1.No alcohol beer or wine or smoking
2.No sex outside of marriage
3.No legal or illegal substances and no blunt nor gummies
4.No cussing, fussing or displaying anger.
5.No negative posting or complaining.
6.No pornography
7.No music with sexual content.
8.No excessive shopping.
Food we are going to consume from 6 am to 6pm
1.Bake fish and chicken
4.Water and Juice
What we are to pray for:
Pray for God to reveal Himself to you in a fresh and powerful way
Pray for deeper insights into His Word and to continue to fill us with his holy ghost.
Pray for a hunger for righteousness
Pray for breakthroughs in your relationship with Him
Pray for God to work in mighty ways in your life and in the lives of those around you
Pray for God to change your perspective and that your thoughts and desires would align with His will.
Pray for unity in the body of Christ that everything will be done for the glory of God.
Pray for yourself that you will be a blessing to others, removing anything negative barrier that will cause others to fall or be discouraged.
Pray for wisdom and discernment for yourself that you will not be misled or deceived by others and the devil.
Pray for your pastor and family every day. Asking God to bring provision, direction, and energy to lead this church in the way God intends.
Pray for the pastor to have more prayer time to seek God’s direction and for the pastor to schedule quality time for sermon preparation.
Pray for new outreach and renewed dedication of church members to have the heart of God and seek ways to bring a salvation message to others.
Pray for the finances and provision of the church. Pray for blessings on those who give to the church.
Pray for the praise and worship team that they will be lead of God, using their talents and abilities for the Lord, and not to bring individual glory or honor to man. Allow them to be always  spirit-led . Help them to be a light and encouragement that will help everyone to enter into praise and worship much quicker.
We pray for the youth and the children of the church that they will be encouraged and fed. Protect them at all times and let them understand and live in your Word daily.
Pray for every church member to be clothed in righteousness and to flee from selfish desires. Let every member sanctify themselves in the presence of God.
Pray that God will rise intercessors and other prayer warriors to defeat the enemy. Help me to be one of those warriors.
Pray that the church will be a hospital, refuge, and a soul-winning station.
Pray for physical and spiritual healing of everyone who comes inside the church or calls this church their home.
Pray that God will strengthen every marriage in the church.
Pray a hedge of protection around each family. Set guardian angels around about them, let them walk in unity.
Pray that God will help me to give more of my time and money for His work.
Pray that God will teach me not to be a spectator but more of a participator. Let my spirit be willing, teachable, and available to be used of God.
Pray for the physical building and equipment of the church that it will serve well and last for a long time.
Pray for God’s overall blessings upon this church and allow others in the community see the glory of God and realize this is a real church with real people who really cares about them.